
Lost 10 kilos in 3 months and avoided diabetes medication

On 3rd August I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes with Haemoglobin A1c of 7.6. I decided then and there to change my lifestyle.

I am 75 years old and through cutting out sugar, exercising more, less salt and buying your shakes, your Cooking for Two books and buying all the right items for the recipes I have managed to lose 10 kg.

Today I had more blood tests and a visit to the GP to find out my results and my HbA1c has gone from 7.6 to 5.8 in three months, my cholesterol is now back in the normal level, my blood pressure is much lower and I don’t have to go on any diabetes medication.

I am so thrilled with today’s results. I feel like a new person and hope to lose another 5 kg before I see the GP again. The comments from friends and family have been very heartening. Thank you for your newsletters and your books.

Christine Crabb – Adelaide. SA